Train P3 Intensive – Performance, Power, Physique is a 12 hour curriculum divided into 2 days and sectioned into four, 3-hour workshops. It is taught by Nerijus Bagdonas and Train P3 students: David Haws, Lesley Kennedy and Micaela Mamede.
My outdoor training article for Muscle and Fitness got approved fast and a week later, on June 30th, Edgar Artiga and I were shooting in Brooklyn Bridge Park. That day was one of the hottest days of the summer and even at 10am, it felt brutal! But we shot 12 moves from different angles and some variations in two and a half hours. After a quick lunch, we met up with my friend Lauren Taus to shoot some partner acrobatics shots. After Lauren left, Edgar and I continued shooting till about 5pm at which point, I was ready for a cold drink and a nap. Check out some of the behind the scenes shots from our shoot and the article from Muscle and Fitness September issue 2016.
Click images to enlarge
We used broad jumps for the opening of the article. It’s one of my favorites!
May through October 2016!
Train in beautiful Central Park & BECOME THE STRONGEST VERSION OF YOU!
Train P3 Outdoor Group Sessions are athletic and dynamic, movement and skill based, full body strength and conditioning classes. We use primal bodyweight moves to help you increase endurance, lose body fat, become more athletic, explosive and nimble. This is NOT a bootcamp. You will focus on learning skills, practicing awareness and good form. Beginners are welcome, but please check pre-requisites below.
Primal squat is a fundamental human posture that prepares our bodies for more intense lower body moves and maintains joint integrity in all lower body joints. Recently Nerijus recorded a video for Qinetic explaining the primal squat and how to do it. See video below to learn why primal squat is an essential movement for anyone.
Humans are incredibly versatile and adaptable beings that can move and travel through space and different environments in a variety of ways. We can crawl, roll, walk, swim, climb, run, brachiate, jump, run, walk on all fours and more. A term “locomotive pattern” is a description of a movement of human body traveling through space.
As a movement and skill based strength training method, at Train P3, we believe locomotive patters are hugely important in developing a functional, strong and resilient humans and athletes. Today we are covering a quadrupedal pattern we call a beast crawl. Some call this a bear crawl and there are other names for it too. Regardless of what you call it, it is an important pattern to practice. The beast crawl a full body move which helps increase coordination, strengthens core, shoulders and hips and is a lot of fun! Recently coach Nerijus recorded a video for Qinetic describing the Beast Crawl, how to perform it and where it fits in your current training program.
Our athlete, Dan came to his first Train P3 class over a year an a half ago. From the beginning he had the most awesome drive and great work ethic combined with curiosity and excitement to learn the hardest exercises. In the first six months I remember excessively correcting Dan’s form in every class. So much that I felt bad for always picking on him. But he never got discouraged! He listened carefully to each correction and asked many questions. Soon his form improved and he kept coming back stronger and stronger. About a year ago, Dan did one of our 6-Week Transformation challenges and lost 16lbs of fat, gained a significant amount of strength and crushed the the final strength test. In the program we went over nutrition and lifestyle tips which really helped take his performance, power and physique to the next level. I am truly proud to call Dan a Train P3 athlete! Thank you, Dan for inspiring me and the whole Train P3 tribe! Keep up the great work!
Dan sent us a video of his favorite exercises he was able to do after he finished our 6-Week Transformation challenge. Read about Dan’s experience and check out his video bellow.
Every Saturday starting February 6th till April 30th 2016
Train P3 Indoor Group Sessions are athletic and dynamic, movement based, full body strength and conditioning classes. Based on a variety of bodyweight and traditional strength training disciplines this class is meant to help you increase strength and endurance, lose body fat, become more athletic, explosive and nimble. This is NOT a bootcamp or HIIT class! You will have an intense workout, but more importantly practice awareness, learn new skills and maintain good form.